to make something be better again
i dont know for sure but it makes the most sense
"an american politician, diplomat, and geopolitical consultant who serves as US secretary of state and national security advisor"
Martin Luther King Jr. frequently looked up inspiration from Biblical sources, ancient philosophers and theologians.
In his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", Martin Luther King Jr. resort to Socrates to highlight his practice of a fair form of civil disobedience and non violence, as a symbol or analogy to back up his interjection outlining the urge of awakening from the "dark depths of prejudice and racism" of society at that time.
In the letter, MLK Jr. outlines that "Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind", so individuals could rise from darkness; and he felt the same kind of tension was necessary at that time so that society could rise from the darkness of prejudice to a place of "understanding and brotherhood".
Answer ok aaijahasgajdfshhaa Explanation
Questions to Guide Your Reading
What factors led to the decline of the Yuan Dynasty?
Where did the Black Death begin? What factors allowed it to spread across Afro-Eurasia?
What were the social, political, and economic effects of the Black Death on Europe?
How did European states and religious institutions change during the late Middle Ages? What caused these changes?
What were the sources of the Italian Renaissance? How did it alter European culture?
Why did Timur attempt to “externalize” the violence of the steppe?
Key Terms
Council of Constance
Babylonian Captivity of the Church
Hundred Years’ War
Italian Renaissance
Malthusian Limits
Mamluk Sultanate
Ottoman Empire