Initially address, Gram-negative in light of the fact that the precious stone violet restrains the development of gram-positive.
Second question, Fermentation: the blend of carb lactose, bile salts, and pH turn it unbiased red since they are enteric and age lactose
Third, we would see the development since it is gram negative microbes.
1. coliform microbes (pink settlements in light of the fact that the pH is brought down and they are lactose fermenters)
2. Looseness of the bowels typhoid, and paratyphoid bacilli (tan and straightforward provinces since they are non-fermenters)
Question:All known organisms use genetic information to produce protein molecules via the same genetic code. This finding strongly supports the hypothesis that __________.
a) the earliest macromolecules probably arose when lightning struck an oxygen-free atmosphere
b) all organisms are descended from one or a few common ancestors
c) the genetic code readily evolves by natural selection
d) there's only one possible way to encode information in a macromolecule
b) all organisms are descended from one or a few common ancestors
Protein synthesis occurs when the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA is read in the form of genetic codes. A specific genetic code specifies the same amino acid in all living beings. For example, the code "UUU" codes for phenylalanine in all the living beings irrespective of their species. This suggests that all the life forms have originated from one or few common ancestors and the genetic code has been preserved during the course of evolution of various species.
This procedure is called In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
It must be C, at the Pacific Ocean