#3 is the answer
Sending the prescription to school with the child poses a risk of the child overdosing themselves.
i would suggest put a band aid to hide it while it heals
Some mature hair, skin, and nail cells don't have any DNA either. The DNA isn't just floating around in the cell. Most of it is stored in a small compartment in the cell called the nucleus. A small bit of it can also be found in another compartment called the mitochondrion.
Among the various birth control methods are tablets, vasectomy, IUDs, and condoms.
Interventions in education can help people become more knowledgeable about the contraceptive options available, empowering them to use contraception more skillfully and make educated decisions.
To inform national recommendations on high-quality family planning services, a thorough study of contraceptive education programs was conducted. For the majority of people, hormonal contraception is a safe and effective technique to prevent pregnancy since they either include progestin solely or estrogen and progestin.
The use of an implant, an intrauterine device (IUD), shots, pills, vaginal rings, and skin patches are examples of hormonal approaches. The IUD and implant are the most user-friendly and reliable forms of birth control, and they also work the best at preventing conception
Learn more about birth control here