They had a lot of money wasted and they lost a lot of lives during this.
The reason that gave birth to similarities between the Almoravid and the Almohad empires which were Muslim dynasties was the pilgrimage that they undertook. This is because as a result of this pilgrimage, they brought back foreign Arabic culture and influences to their respective empires. Because the origin of these cultures was the same, it lent similarity to the two empires.
The Executive Order 9066 was enacted because many Americans, after hearing of the December 7th attack, came to distrust the Japanese Americans, and thought of them as spies, secretly sending information to mainland Japan in exchange for money, etc. The Government used Executive 9066 to "protect" the Japanese, however, the Japanese received poor housing and had the bare necessities. Later on in the war, conditions improved.
If you want a account, read "thin wood walls"
An anti Semitic conspiracy theory is a false claim that claims that Jews are behind something that they’re really not, or it blames Jews for something they’re not responsible for. For example, conspiracy theorists and anti semites claim that Jews own all the banks in the world, but that is false. They also have claimed a few hundred years ago that the Jews kill Christian children and use their blood on matzah, but that is also false. All this is done because anti semites are looking for a scapegoat to blame all their problems on, or they just hate Jews
But sharecroppers were still poor, and it was hard for them to save money to buy their own land. White land-owners liked that, because they didn't want black people to own their own land.
Many white farmers also became sharecroppers after the Civil War. In Mississippi, for instance, about a third of the white farmers were sharecroppers, and more than three-quarters of the black farmers were sharecroppers. Nearly all of the land-owners, though, were white. The white land-owners arranged things so that most sharecroppers could not make enough money sharecropping to buy their food and clothes. They ended up having to borrow money from the land-owners, and soon they were always in debt. The land-owners said they could not leave the land if they owed money, so in many places share-cropping ended up being a lot like slavery.
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