The best gift I've received was a dog. my mom got me a dog when I was in 5th grade because I didnt have that many friends and she wanted to see me happy. i remember looking at the Oc Pound animal shelter and i was scrolling and i stopped. i remember yelling at my mom that I wanted this brown and white puppy. i wanted her so bad my mom told em that if i walked to school in the morning she would get it. my mom woke up at 4 in the morning and wait until 10am when it opened so she was the first one to get it. I was so excited I couldnt concentrate in school. it was 3:45 pm and I had just gotten out of school and my mom called me and said "hurry home as fast as you can. someones waiting for you" I literally ran so fast home I was crying happy tears. I opened my front door and I saw the dog I wanted so bad.
That moment in was speechless. absolutely speechless. i fell in love with her just looking at her. I ran to her cage and opened it up. the dog came running out and I was so happy. i ran to my room to get the dog toys I had picked out for her and her pink food and water bowl. i had some names written down and i decided to name her Lilly. lilly was her name for me. at first she wasnt allowed to sleep with me because she was still a puppy so every night i would sleep right by her pen so she wouldnt feel lonley and would know I'm her mom and shes my baby. after that every day I would sprint home so fast just to see my lilly. I became so attached to her and she because so attached to me. she was my light. she was my bestfriend that I needed. Days passed. Months passed. years passed and Lilly now follows me everywhere. never leave my side ever. I go to the bathroom, the shower, the kitchen and she comes too. she loves me so much she hates when i have to leave for school. shell tug on my pants just for me to stay with her.
7 years later, and shes still my best friend. shes everything I've ever needed. shes helped my saddness disappear. I know have a solid friend group that I love with all my heart but I love my lilly more. no one will or could ever replace my baby. shes the best dog I've ever had. I live her so much I spoil her so much. I cook her meals like turkey, or a pizza once in a while. Yesterday I fed her strawberries with a fork. shes laying right by my head right now. lilly is the best gift I've ever gotten and my favorite gift as well. I love her so much and I wouldnt ask for anything else. Every Saturday we have this thing where we will take a nice walk to our favorite park and have a picnic because every moment and every memory we make will always be with me and shes getting old rn and every minute and every second must last. lilly is my bestfriend.
I hope this was enough words in every paragraph. I'm sorry if I wasnt. but this is my favorite question to answer. I'm glad I got to see it. I hope u have an amazing night or day. and to remember that you are enough even if you dont feel like it. your an amazing human. I wanted to say that because not everyone gets to hear that everyday and I struggle with self worth alot and I hope you wake up with a smile tomorrow morning. xoxo