The correct answer is stem cells
Changes that cannot be reversed are called irreversible changes
Example: if you cook an egg or if something goes bad. these changes can not be reversed.
If this is the picture you are talking about, the right answer is non-disjunction
Non-disjunction is the non-separation of homologous chromosomes at the time of cell division which results in the formation of ova or spermatozoa leading to an abnormality in the number of chromosomes of the egg thus fertilized by the spermatozoa.
The fertilized egg consists of either a single chromosome, what is called monosomy, or, conversely, three chromosomes, this is called trisomy. While naturally, the fertilized egg has a single pair of chromosomes.
Haploid gametes egg/ sperm body cells
Su aportación fundamental fue su modelo del universo: creía que la Tierra estaba inmóvil y ocupaba el centro del universo, y que el Sol, la Luna, los planetas y las estrellas giraban a su alrededor. La retrogradación de los planetas y su aumento de brillo mientras retrogradan.