libtards are more for the government should do all the work
And conservative is more like bettter and doesnt care and thinks everyone should stand for themselves
A. He created the Federal Reserve System, which allowed the government to control the flow of money in the country.
The federal Reserve enable the central government to print /create the money that circulated in the country. This ability give the power to the central government to control the rate of inflation/deflation the country.
For example, If the country is experiencing inflation, the central government could reduce the amount of printed money. By doing this, the value of money circulated in the country will gradually increase and the rate of inflation be reduced.
C a p i t a l i s m is the b e s t i s m
<span>The best way to get young people involved is to allow people the opportunity to relate to those in power. As of now the political process is focused on what happens in Washington. Those in power tend to be older and use traditional methods which can turn a younger crowd off. The use of social media would help to get those involved. The other side to this is that most politicians vote on party lines and if your representative is of an opposite party you may feel your voice will not be heard. The solution is to work towards a more bipartisan system that allows for public surveys to sway votes.
The other solution is to get younger people more involved on the local system of government. Use of social media and surveys to not only inform constituents and include them in the process would allow many to feel as though their voice is being heard and that they can make a difference.</span>
The Commerce Clause serves a two-fold purpose: it is the direct source of the most important powers that the Federal Government exercises in peacetime, and, except for the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, it is the most important limitation imposed by the Constitution on the exercise of state power. The latter, restrictive operation of the clause was long the more important one from the point of view of the constitutional lawyer. Of the approximately 1400 cases that reached the Supreme Court under the clause prior to 1900, the overwhelming proportion stemmed from state legislation.663 The result was that, generally, the guiding lines in construction of the clause were initially laid down in the context of curbing state power rather than in that of its operation as a source of national power. The consequence of this historical progression was that the word “commerce” came to dominate the clause while the word “regulate” remained in the background. The so-called “constitutional revolution” of the 1930s, however, brought the latter word to its present prominence.