When my friend will be in a combat thesis troublesome tendencies. You should combat your friend's overconfidence barrier. You can make a little humble request and help him with his cognition barrier or bias. We can request him to think about the other perspective of the situation too.
We can make him understand how things might come in other ways also. We can guide him to pursue the statistics research methodology course from the recognized university or we can say that he can pursue a psychology course too.
<span>The Removal Act that was passed by Congress on May 28, 1830 gave
the president the power to bargain in the relocation of southern Indian tribes to
federal land in return for their ancestral land. It was genocide because many Indians were
forced out of their ancestral lands and many were killed by disease during
their travel to federal territory. Those
who resisted were killed due to disease and many conflicts came about as some
of the Indians fought back. Among the
tribes who suffered under this act were the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, Chickasaws
and Creek. Many more died on the Trail
of Tears.</span>
u already know the others
They might not have enough at the moment but when time tells they get more money. Also since it is fair to the bank I guess.
The following statement about citadel that is not true is D. They housed public baths, because even though there is an exception (The Great Bath, Mohenjo-daro), it is not a common statement about Citadels. They were usually built on mounds above the flow of the river, they were found along the walls of cities and they were seen as strong central forts.