Ok got you. Will do so. Mine is Phantom Pac.
People in households buy goods and services from businesses in an attempt to satisfy their unlimited needs and wants.
Households also sell their labor, land, and capital in exchange for income that they use to buy goods and services that firms produce.
Mechanical mouse has a ball that turns rollers inside. If friction is lost between the ball and the mousing surface, or between the ball and the rollers, the mouse fails to work. In order to assure good contact with the mousing surface, the ball must be fairly heavy. When you change directions with the mouse, you must make the ball change rolling directions--an action that inertia likes to prevent.
An optical mouse makes use of an LED and some optics to detect surface texture and the changes in it as the mouse is moved. There are no moving parts
<span>Net speed can be calculated by deducting errors in gross wpm which is more accurate </span>
Of course it does contribute