A. they can skip whole segments of the software development process.
A software development process refers to the process of dividing software development work into various phases for product management, project management and to improve the design.
Vendors who use open source as part of their product offerings can expect to bring new products to the market faster because they can skip whole segments of the software development process.
They don't have to go through different phases of software development.
Given the options, I would choose Option C. =B1+B2+B3+B4+B5.
net use X: \\SERVER\Share
1. Connect securely to the remote computer or ensure you have access to it on the network
2. then follow the step below:
Where X: is the drive letter you wish to map the share to, and \\SERVER\Share is the UNC path to the share. This should make the share visible in My Computer and the command line as well like all other shares mapped through the GUI.
In order to later disconnect the share, you would use
net use X: /delete
No. social media makes people share too much information about their personal lives.