It is C (Then Theseus called together all the people in the house, poor wretches whom Procrustes had forced to serve him, and he divided the robber's spoils among them and told them they were free to go wherever they wished)
I took this test and got it right. :)
Answer: D: peach
Explanation: if you look up the definition in the synonyms they will show you each word use for "inform" which one of them is: peach.
Hope this helps you.
Incomplete question. However, I assumed you are referring to the story, "Fahrenheit" 451 by Ray Bradbury.
For example, in the novel, the character Clarisse is portrayed as someone who appreciates nature, so much so that she finds time always to observe creation even though most people in her community are preoccupied with work and entertainment that they lack the time to do so.
Another character is Mildred, the wife of Montag, she is portrayed as someone who has a love for entertainment that is so strong to the extent it overshadows that of her husband. Her behavior contrast with that of Clarisse who has a healthy view of entertainment.
What the author, Montag is saying through his characters is that
- those in his society do not value human life, recall we were told the police don't punish those who over speed, thus accidents occur often.
- those in his society are less concerned about their families; which was made evident in the case of Mildred.
This American myth has taken root in classrooms across the country, where children are being encouraged to create their own "quilt codes" and believe fictional stories as if they reflect proven fact.
The idea in sentence 2 states that there was no historical evidence to show that quilts which were hung on clotheslines were in fact used as secret codes by travelers on the Underground Railway and the sentence that develops this idea is the sentence that says that children in schools are encouraged to to create their own quilt codes and stating that they fictional events as if they were real.
In English, commas should be used within a quote, in order to separate it from the indirect speech, and before the quote, for the same reason.
Thus, this is the correct answer:
"I know you did it," the detective accused the murderer, "and I can prove it!"
"Please remember to watch the gap," the conductor warned.