His parenting style is permissive.
Permissive parents, in psychology, present very low demands but a high level of responsiveness. They do not try to establish rules, and do not expect responsibility or maturity from their kids. Permissive parents perform poorly when it comes to establishing rules, offering guidelines, and punishing misbehavior. They are generally trying to be friends with their children, not wishing to act as authority figures.
The correct answer is letter A.
An anticline and a fold with its concavity facing downwards, and at its core are older rocks or extracts.
A syncline is a fold with the concavity facing upward, displaying layers that hang toward the center of the structure.
<em>Psychologists can be found working in a Hospital and University.
<em>Psychologist are in hospital because they probably has clinics in there. Their clinic is a place where they could accommodate their patients and tend to their treatments and needs. While in University, there are increasing rate of bothered students who have problems in their homes, socials and personal lives that needed the help of psychologists.</em>
A.access to scholarly articles in the online library.
B.Jasmine calling her friend to discuss recent troubles at work. an example of operant conditioning. the third rule of social networking.
E.friends helping Liza to pack as she moves across the country.
F.both physical and mental health.
G.Phil taking refuge in his family after a personal loss.
H.pairing an unconditioned response with a neutral stimulus which then becomes a controlled stimulus. the second rule of social networking. the first rule of social networking.
K.both the person and the environment impact external behavior.
El objetivo principal de la guerra del opio fue la libre comercialización del opio en China.
El opio es una sustancia narcótica que se obtiene de unas plantas conocidas como adormideras verdes.
En 1839 se inicio una guerra conocida como guerra del opio entre la Gran Bretaña y China, el objetivo de los británicos era tener el control para comercializar libremente el opio en China.
China se oponía a esta comercialización porque observaba lo que dicho producto causaba en sus ciudadanos. Además, el imperio chino era reservado en cuanto los negocios de comercialización. Pero luego de dos largos periodos en donde se unió Francia al conflicto, China termino derrotada y tuvo que permitir el libre comercio del opio en su país.
<em>I hope this information can help you.</em>