At the onset on the war, in 1861 and 1862, they stood as relatively equal combatants. The Confederates had the advantage of being able to wage a defensive war, rather than an offensive one. They had to protect and preserve their new boundaries, but they did not have to be the aggressors against the Union.
The answer you're looking for is c.
A, B, D, F
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Rights which were given to citizens in the English Bill of Rights were:
- A frequently summoned Parliament and free elections
- Members should have freedom of speech in Parliament
- No armies should be raised in peacetime
- No taxes could be levied,without the authority of parliament
- Laws should not be dispensed with,or suspended,without the consent of parliament.
- No excessive fines should be imposed,nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Freedom to elect members of parliament ,without the king or queen's interference
- Freedom from Royal interference with the law
- Freedom to petition the king.
- Freedom to bear arms for self-defence