Hi there! I just finished studying the human body and so I can tell you with confidence that the Respiratory System is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. If you need more proof, the word Respiration itself<span> means</span> the action of breathing.
Ratio you want the percentage of
__________________________ X 100 = percetange
All ratios added together
Eg. 3red bean
________. X 100= 75% of the beans are red
4 beans(3 red + one yellow)
acoustics timbre are other words for sound quality
A: Cumulative recorder
B. F. Skinner was a psychologist, author, behaviorist and inventor of Operant conditioning chamber and Cumulative recorder. The purpose of cumulative recorder was to study the rate of operant conditioning. It is a process in which behavior of an organism is modified or an organism is conditioned to perform a specific behavior through giving punishment or reward.
For example: We teach a kid that he should not touch a hot stove because it will burn his hands, or we give him a box of candies to perform a specific task or behave in a certain way. Skinner used Cumulative recorder to find the effect of certain factors on behavior or response of an organism For example: the rate at which lever was pressed by a monkey to get bananas etc.
Hope it helps!
No, it did not rain today in Texas.