Homo erectus discovers a.fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
number 2 charge different fees
First of all, the desire of the public is almost always going to have a pattern, as well as their fears, even though fearing something could be very individual, you still can find a pattern.
In this case, when you're advertising corn flakes, what you need to focus, besides the image, is the message that is being said, and in this case, you need to focus, not only on the quality of the product, but the desire to eat and what this will give you if you eat it, for example, iron. And by saying what you'll get with that, you focus on what happens if you don't get the iron inside the corn flakes, do I get sick? That's what the general public will think and then buy the product.
The correct answer is slavery
Slavery, is the social practice in which a human being acquires property rights over another called a slave, to whom this condition is imposed by force.
In some societies, since the most distant times, slaves were legitimately defined as a product. Prices changed according to physical conditions, professional skills, sex, age, origin and destination.
When we speak of slavery, it is difficult not to think of the Europeans who overcrowded the holds of their ships of men brought from Africa regardless of their wills and who were put up for sale in an inhuman and cruel manner throughout America.