populations may die and get affected
If a population grows faster than the ecology can support it, the species may go close to extinction. Resources may be fully exhausted if the population exceeds the carrying capacity for an extended length of time. If all of the resources are depleted, populations may die.
In the cause of Randy's extreme dissatisfaction about Eric, Eric should approach Randy to pledge his loyalty to Randy and assure him of his unconditional support to build team cohesion.
Eric's pledge of loyalty and support to ensure that team cohesion is a non negotiable factor in the light of building team cohesion and achieving the goals set before the, Randy will be able to overcome his feelings of Eric being a potential threat. But rather an instrument in achieving their goals.
Answer: It could be Islam.
Usually, when the phrase "religion of peace" is said, the conversation is always around Islam. Peace is greatly associated with Islam. Even when Muslims greet each other, they say "asalamu alaykom," which means "peace be upon you."
As for the dressing plainly portion, Muslims are supposed to dress modestly. This means that they are supposed to avoid tight or revealing clothing.
From the example given, it can be said that a type of social influence called informational social influence is happening to the French people.
Informational social influence is <u>a type of social influence where the individual conforms to a certain set of behaviors and norms because he or she believes that someone else is more knowledgeable about that situation. </u>
In the case of Halloween, since it is an American holiday, the French are imitating traditions that the Americans do during the celebration since the French are unfamiliar with the customs that people do during Halloween.