First we need to convert our fractions into decimals, it's just a lot easier to work with.
2 1/2 is equal to 2.5
2 1/4 is equal to 2.25
Then we plug our numbers into the formula used to find the volume of a rectangle:
Volume equals Length times Width times Height.
22.5 is already in decimal form, or if you'd rather have a mixed number, your answer is 22
Step 1. identify the length of both bases
Step 2. Add the lengths of the bases
Step 3. Identify the height of the trapezoids
Step 4. Multiply the sum of the lengths of the bases by the height.
Step 5. Divide the results by two and then theres your answer.
In a system, there are two linear inequalities. The solution to the system is all the points that satisfy both inequalities or the region in which the shading overlaps. Given the system of linear inequalities shown in the graph, let's determine which points are solutions to the system.
Hope this Helped!!!!!:)
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer: Vertex (-3, 1) and x-intercept (-4, 0), (-2, 0)
I believe the answer is n/3 + 15n.