Overall, it appears that Americans feel that globalization has a mixture of positive and negative impacts, with the positive ones moderately outweighing the negative ones. A majority or plurality sees globalization in general as more positive than negative. A majority sees globalization as quite positive for the economy, American business, and consumers, but attitudes are less positive for American jobs and the environment. Only a small minority favors resisting the process of globalization, though enthusiasm for promoting it seems to have waned in recent years. The public appears to be growing more familiar with the concept of globalization. Globalization is seen not just as an economic process, but as a process of the world becoming increasingly interconnected--and also as one in which values are becoming more oriented to a global context, and international institutions are playing a more central role.
The decisions of the Supreme Court also reflected the nationalism of the postwar period. With John Marshall as chief justice, the Supreme Court greatly expanded its powers, prestige, and independence. When Marshall took office, in the last days of John Adams's administration in 1801, the Court met in the basement of the Capitol and was rarely in session for more than six weeks a year. Since its creation in 1789, the Court had only decided 100 cases.
The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies. If the barracks were too small to house all the soldiers, then localities were to accommodate the soldiers in local inns, livery stables, ale houses, victualling houses, and the houses of sellers of wine.
Answer:What groups held the greatest power in Muslim society? Merchant leaders, landowners, and wealthy merchants - because they controlled trade and held the greatest power.