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See explanation below
Previos concepts
First Come First Serve (FCFS) "is an operating system scheduling algorithm that automatically executes queued requests and processes in order of their arrival".
Shortest job next (SJN), or the shortest job first (SJF) or shortest "is a scheduling policy that selects for execution the waiting process with the smallest execution time".
Shortest remaining time (SRF) "is a scheduling method that is a preemptive version of shortest job next scheduling'".
Round robin (RR) is an algorithm where the time parts "are assigned to each process in equal portions and in circular order, handling all processes without priority"
Solution for the problem
Assuming the dataset given on the plot attached.
Part a
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-6
Job B 6-(6+3) = 6-9
Job C 9-(9+1) = 9-10
Job D 10-(10+4) = 10-14
Part b
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-6
Job C 6-(6+1) = 6-7
Job B 7-(7+3) = 7-10
Job D 10-(10+4) = 10-14
Part c
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-1 until 14
Job B 2-(2+3) = 2-5
Job C 3-(3+2) = 3-5
Job D 9-(9+5) = 9-14
Part d
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-2 , 7-9, 12-14
Job B 2-4, 9-10
Job C 4-(4+1) = 4-5
Job D 5-7, 10-12

The Operator data type is any expression that is parsed and returns a value, such as tod() , gui() , rtecall() , = (comparison). An operator is a special symbol or function commonly used in expressions.
I will explain this concept using an example for Small Businesses.
The concept of Frustrated Users (Employees) is an example of a technological problem. Interacting with technology is a huge part of the employees’ day. Using slow, outdated systems with frequent problems makes it much more difficult for them to be happy and productive.
How would it impact a business if the company enabled the employees to get just 5 percent more accomplished every day? the answer is simply by keeping the technology up to date. So, the problem exposed above allows the company to find new ways and opportunities to make the job easier.
The company would need to establish a training plan for the employees. Maybe establishing a diploma course that allows them to learn and know better the new technologies.