1. Roma videmus
-Here, Rome would need to be in the accusative case since it is the direct object. The correct word would be <em>Romam.</em>
2. Romani viae visito
-Visito is first person meaning "I visit." The correct word would be <em>visitant.</em>
-Again, you need to use the accusative case for direct objects. The correct word here would be <em>vias.</em>
3. Romani pugnae spectabimus
-Spectabimus translates to "We will watch." The correct word would have been <em>spectabunt.</em>
-Again, battles needs to be in the accusative case since it is being watched. The correct word would be <em>pugnas.</em>
Hope this helps.
Porque means "because" in Spanish (and Portuguese).
you got this. don’t doubt urself! it’s challenging towards everyone to learn a new language so your totally fine! put all your effort and dedication into it and you’ll get the hang of it as you go.
after a few days of work to get done before then and we get to face the same time as the other a little bit of work and I'm the only one that I have a few questions