Whole half and quarter notes
Each note type is one half the preceding note in time duration. A half note is one half the value of a whole note. A quarter note is one half the value of a half note. A dot increases the length of a note by one half its value. A dotted quarter note is equal to a quarter note tied to an eighth note (quaver). ... If it last two beats the dotted note lasts 3 beats. Hold the note for its duration plus half of its original length.
Newspapers are important source for daily news. it is reading habit of most of the people to read a newspaper before they go to the breakfast table. The material used in the newspaper differs significantly.
The news headlines page has a firm paper which is not likely to be teared easily then there are inside pages in which there are mostly advertisements placed, the material of those paper does not matches with the front page.
The quality of color impression is normally same for entire printing as it is not really costly. There are various sections in a newspaper such as classified, magazine, political news, international and national news. A person can easily switch to page of his interest.
sure ill talk
thx for the free poi nts :) :) :)
It is true that the shawm was perhaps the most popular double reed instrument of the Renaissance Period.