The number of free throws, two-point throw, and three-point throw are 135, 173, and 111 respectively.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let x,y, and z are the numbers of two-point field goals, numbers of three-point field goals, and the number of free-throws (one-point goal) respectively.
The total points= 814

As the number of two-point goals was 49 less than double the number of three-point field goals she made.

Again, the number of free goals was 38 less than the number of two-point field goals she made.

From equations (i) and (iii)

[using equation (ii)]

From equation (ii),

From equation (iii),
The number of free throws, z= 135
The number of two-point throw, x=173
The number of three-point throw, y=111.