In the number 14,423, the digit '4' comes up twice, in the thousand and hundred position.
The farther to the left a digit is, the higher that number is compared to another digit to the right of it.
This is why 1,000 is higher than 999.
In the number 14,423, there are two values for four: thousand (four thousand) and hundred (four hundred)
If A, B and C are collinear, then
1) if B is between A and C:
AC = AB + BC
AC = 48 + 22 = 70
2) if C is between A and B:
AB = AC + BC
48 = AC + 22 |-22
AC = 26
3) if A is between B and C:
BC = AB + AC
22 = 48 + AC |-48
AC = - 26 < 0 FALSE
if B is between A and C, then AC = 70
if C is between A and B, then AC = 26
h(t) = –16+48t
h(32)=-16+ 1536
h(32)= 1520seconds
Step-by-step explanation:
If the problem was written x + 4x. We would know to add like the coefficients together and get 5x same thing with the radicals.
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