a. mali
that what i answered for the quiz i took for this question
In developing countries, labor is cheap and low wages are paid to employees. This enables firms to manufacture products at a low cost and, therefore, to fix low prices for them too. Such goods are exported because they become attractive in the international sphere due to their price. Domestic products from developed nations cannot compete in prices with those imports, because their production costs are much higher, specially the labor costs.
If domestic products cannot compete with imports, domestic firms will not be able to sell their products and this would lead to decrease in sales, a loss of profit and to an excess of employees that wil have to be dismissed.
<u>In absolute terms, low wages in a developing country reduce the production, income and employment levels in developed countries. </u>
Explanait should matter a lottion: America being a democracy means that it has freedom, freedom of speech is very applied and citizen participation is the most important thing inn this democracy and citizen participation is a curtail thing
Similarities :
(1) The source of both the religion is vedic religion and both and indebted to Upanishads
(2) Both Gautam Buddha and Mahavir belonged to princely families and not to priestly families.
Dis-similarities :
(1) Difference regarding conception Moksha :
According to Buddhism, a man attains Moksha when he ends all the desires and can attain it while living in the world. But according, to Jainism Moksha is freedom from miseries and can be attained only after death.
(2) Means of attainment of Moksha:
According to Buddhist Sangha is proper for attainment of Moksha and they hate self-mortifications and severe penances. Jainism believes in fasts and severest penances.