Chester Benningtons favorite food was almond butter....
After the Greek War for Independence concluded, Greece became a monarchy.
Ottoman rule and the war itself depleted the Greek economy and people turned to their leadership for aid. The monarchy did what they could. However, the people were still largely discontent.
The U.S. will increase with the a mount of technology that it has between now and 2025. The estimate growth will be a 3% jump to the future, but right now our tech is far behind schedule.
Cars could be produced cheaply even after increasing workers wages
The impetus to establish the United Nations stemmed in large part from the inability of its predecessor, the League of Nations, to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War. Despite Germany’s occupation of a number of European states, and the League’s failure to stop other serious international transgressions in the 1930s, such as Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, many international leaders remained committed to the League’s ideals. Once World War II began, President Franklin D. Roosevelt determined that U.S. leadership was essential for the creation of another international organization aimed at preserving peace, and his administration engaged in international diplomacy in pursuit of that goal. He also worked to build domestic support for the concept of the United Nations. After Roosevelt’s death, President Harry S Truman also assumed the important task of maintaining support for the United Nations and worked through complicated international problems, particularly with the Soviet Union, to make the founding of the new organization possible. After nearly four years of planning, the international community finally established the United Nations in the spring of 1945.
hope this helps ^-^