What do you mean by National Flag?: a flag serving as a distinctive emblem of a particular nation especially : one so designated (as by custom, decree, or law) in distinction from other flags of the nation serving other purposes — compare ensign sense 1, merchant flag.
. What does our National Flag symbolize?
In the national flag of India the top band is of Saffron colour, indicating the strength and courage of the country. The white middle band indicates peace and truth with Dharma Chakra. The last band is green in colour shows the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land.
. How have we got our National Flag?
How is our national flag?
The flag is based on the Swaraj flag, a flag of the Indian National Congress designed by Pingali Venkayya.
What is its length and breadth?Length is a measure of distance. ... Width or breadth usually refer to a shorter dimension when length is the longest one. Depth is used for the third dimension of a three dimensional object.
.Which memory do red and green colours bear?
Our color memory contains automatic and unconscious associations, because we see certain colors coming back and always experience the same way. For example, green is associated with immaturity. Think of green tomatoes or bananas.