The word katachi, meaning form and design, is the closest equivalent in the Japanese language to the Western notion of visual art
The word "katachi" cannot be directly and comparatively translated to English. Even within Japan its meaning is multiple - it can be form, shape, symmetry - the marriage of beauty and functionality, the quintessence of Japanese design. It may mean the many ways in which someone can produce the same object.
What’s that ? What is that ?
Between the big glasses, the fact that most of his head is blue, and his big ears, this piece has a lot of variety.
Katy Perry
Fireworks is basically about pride in one's self and letting your “true colors” show- without worrying about what other people think of you. In the song she says¨ come on let your colors burst¨
¨ come on let your colors burst¨
I would use colorful background in a movie and people starting to find themselves because thats what the song is about
Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Cheerleading and dance are similar enough and generally are composed of like movements and choreography so that many people believe that they are interchangeable, and in fact, I would call the cheerleaders you see performing for professional NRL and NBL teams, dancers with pom poms, but ultimately the purpose of both activities is different.