It caused the Revolutionary War and American independence
Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, when the US had functioned without a central bank since 1836 because it wanted to end the numerous financial crises faced by the nation since its founding.
Primarily, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the central bank of the United States. Its purposes included the printing of currency, control of money supply, maximization of employment, and the minimization of inflation.
The nation needed to enjoy economic stability by having a central bank that executes the monetary policies of the Federal government. The Federal Reserve Act provided the United States government with a safer, more stable, and more flexible monetary and financial system. Since its establishment, it has worked to ensure the enthronement of an efficient national payments system, flexible money supply, and effective lending/borrowing mechanism to ease liquidity crises for the facilitation of investments and industrialization of the nation.
This excerpt expresses the view of the post-Civil War period held by <em>Moderate Re-constructionists</em>. On March 4th, 1965, Abraham Lincoln in post- Civil period advocated for malice towards none and charity for all. He further believed firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right and encourages people to strive and finish the work we are in, bind up the nation's wounds whereby he advocates for all to do all that may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and all the other nations.
It was the result of a steady decline in demand for stocks
isnt this frombrainpop lol