Hershey and Chase demonstrated that genetic material is contained in the DNA molecule. By using bacteriophages they observed that DNA, but not proteins, contains the genetic material. These researchers tagged DNA with radioactive phosphorus and then separated bacteria and protein phages by centrifugation, observing that bacterial pellet was radioactive
A wind instrument is a musical instrument that contains some type of resonator (usually a tube), in which a column of air is set into vibration by the player blowing into (or over) a mouthpiece set at or near the end of the resonator. The pitch of the vibration is determined by the length of the tube and by manual modifications of the effective length of the vibrating column of air. In the case of some wind instruments, sound is produced by blowing through a reed; others require buzzing into a metal mouthpiece.
20 million years
If we have a neutral mutation rate of one mutation per 5 million years, then the total of eight mutation between the two different species would be 20 million years. This is because both species will have 4 mutations in those 20 million years, so combined, both by 4, will have 8 mutations between them. So few mutations on so much time will result in two species that are very similar to each other even after 20 million years of evolution, even making them hardly distinguishable, especially if it comes to defining fossil records from them both. A nice example of this are the members of the felidae (cat) family, which are all very closely related, and are almost identical, thus making it extremely hard to distinguish two species of the same or similar size by their fossils.