The recombinant offsprings are normally the offsprings containing a combination of the parents allele, result in a genotype that differs from both parents genotype. The phenotype May be different as well although it is likely that the phenotype could be the same as the parents, as seen in the case of heterozygous dominant having the same phenotype as homozygous dominant.
What this student is doing is collecting data. So, he wants to check how many life forms there are in the waters nearby. In order to do so, he has to take a sample, and look at it through a microscope so as to determine the number. So, he collected a sample which is his data. He is not drawing conclusions yet, but rather counting these organisms. He is not making a peer review - his peers aren't even mentioned here. He is not forming a hypothesis because he is just counting at this point.
Answer: a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light.
Answer : Low;High
You use high power for a more detailed view on what you are looking at and you use the low power for a general view.