The operation of 6*x only executes if x is greater or equal to 0, since x=-10 and -10 is less than 0, the operation does not execute. For this reason, the value of y using this code is None.
In python a function is defined with the syntaxis:
def function(x):
the operation to execute (x)
value to return
In this case, the function is foo and the parameter is x:
def foo(x):
if x>= 0:
return 6*x
The code starts by assigning a value to x. Then, the code asks if the value of x is grater or equal to 0, if this condition is meet, then the code returns the value of 6 times x, if not, then the code does not return a value. In this case, x is -10 and this value is not grater or equal to 0. Given that the condition is not met, then the code stops executing and the value of y is none.
<span>ALL OF THE ABOVE. The benefits for a CAD program is accuracy, repeatability, simplicity.</span>
C. Unexpressed resentments can build and hamper work
How do I change the font color in swing?
To set the font and color of JTextArea we can use the setFont() and setForeground() methods of the JTextArea . To create a font we must define the font name, the font style and its size. For the colors we can uses the constant color values defined by the Color class.
The output is "A"
public class Solution {
public static void main(String args[]) {
public static void mystery(int a) { System.out.println("A"); }
public static void mystery(double a) { System.out.println("B"); }
public static void mystery(int a, double b) { System.out.println("C"); }
public static void mystery(double a, int b) { System.out.println("D"); }
In the code above; mystery is defined in four different ways called method overloading. Method overloading is when same method is defined with different parameters.
In the first case; mystery will be called if the argument is int.
In the second case; mystery will be called if the argument is double.
In the third case; mystery will be called if the arguments are int and double.
In the fourth case; mystery will be called if the arguments are double and int.
When mystery(7) is called; the mystery method requiring only int will be called and the output is "A".