Ancient codes, or sets of laws, have been written down since around 2000 BC. Many of these laws were harsh and would be seen as barbaric compared to our current laws, but many of them were actually just as compassionate and fair, and sometimes moreso, than the laws we have now like Animal Rights,Nobody Is Above The Law, Equal Justice Under The Law and Sicut Judaeis (Constitution For The Jews).
Unitary form of government would avoid this characteristic.
Option: A
Unitary form of government is the system of government which have the supreme power over the every branches of administration means executive, judiciary etc. It finalize the decision of its subordinate classes of governments. Here laws for crimes do not differ from state to state.
In confederate, presidential, parliamentary system of government each branches are assigned with its own duty and it has no power on the decision of other branches. So the decision may vary from state to state. Senate and house of representatives take decision separately for every political feature.
The Presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson QC
He predicted "that the day will come when ... you will have to make a ... an area of the new Czechoslovakia with a significant German-peaking population"