In Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, it states that the president has the power to call a Special Session. The reason why he rarely has to call a Special Session is because of the changes made by the 20th Amendment. Prior to the ratification of the 20th Amendment, Congress convened in December and typically adjourned in March. But after the ratification, Congress convenes on January 3 and typically does not adjourn until late in the year. So, the president rarely has to call Congress into session because Congress isn't generally out of session long.
The lord propietors, even tough the kind had full sovereignty over Carolina, were given some Powers to ensure to collect taxes and duties, establish civil structures and to keep order, also they could own some mineral field, they were avalaible to have some independent at some point.
The goverment of these colonies consisted in: A governor, a council and a populary elected assembly.
The goverments under propietary rule were similarly organized, the best know difference was who appointed the governing oficial, in these case could be the Lords Proprietors or the sovereign.
Eisenhower Doctrine pledged to support the help of any country resisting communist aggression.
The answer is c.empire and republic
Aristotle in the one. I find his observations about the world to be far more in line with what we know within science than those of Plato and I believe that Plato’s idea of perfect forms has no real evidence or even logical basis. In my mind, Plato’s argument for perfect forms is less of an argument and more of a baseless assertion. Now, I do find Plato to be correct as well in many other regards, such as political philosophy, but I agree far more with the philosophical viewpoint of Aristotle overall