I think it may be D. djdjdjdjdjdjkdjdjdkd
Those numbers tell me that Beijing is 39 degrees north of the equator and 116 degrees east of the Prime Meridian. Plus, it tells me that Beijing, climate can be warm or cold at certain times of the year. It is in the Northern Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere
Though it was supposed to be separate but equal it wasn't. The African American accommodations were often worn down and dirty. While the White Americans were given much nicer and cleaner things. Also African Americans were treated very badly during the segregation era. <span />
The intolerable acts were one of the biggest causes of the American Revolution, if they had not been passed there is a good chance America would not have revolted against the British, or at least would not have done it when they did. Colonial times specifically would most likely not have had the turmoil of the Revolutionary War and all that went with it.