Answer: Mediterranean weather zones are normally positioned alongside the western aspects of continents, about 30 and 45 degrees north and south of the equator. Areas with this weather are where the so-called "Mediterranean trinity" of agricultural merchandise has historically developed: wheat, grapes, and olives.
The Gold Rush was the largest mass migration in U.S. history. In March 1848, there were roughly 157,000 people in the California territory; 150,000 Native Americans, 6,500 of Spanish or Mexican descent known as Californios and fewer than 800 non-native Americans
A. technology can be used to overcome physical barriers and boundaries
The ability to dam water and use of improved transportation are clear proofs of how we can overcome physical barriers and boundaries.
- Dam water is an engineering revolution by which water can be made available all year round.
- Also, damage to the ecosystem caused by excess water is circumvented.
- Roads that are pliable are of huge important in breaching geographical imitations. A good transport system can make use of this connectivity.
- Air transportation has improved the ease of travel and reduced travel time greatly.
- Both dams and good transportation are clear engineering solutions to overcome limitations of nature.
Answer B. is false because studies have shown that women live longer than men in Russia, government provided healthcare does help increase life expectancies and 99.9 % of Russia can read
It stared 30 years ago it appeared in the news .Indeed, Svante Arrhenius, the pioneering Swedish scientist who in 1896 first estimated the scope of warming from widespread coal burning, mainly foresaw this as a boon, both in agricultural bounty and “more equable and better climates, especially as regards the colder regions of the Earth.”
There were scattered news reports through the decades, including a remarkably clear 1956 article in the New York Times that conveyed how accumulating greenhouse gas emissions from energy production would lead to long-lasting environmental changes. In its closing the article foresaw what’s become the main impediment to tackling harmful emissions: the abundance of fossil fuels. “Coal and oil are still plentiful and cheap in many parts of the world, and there is every reason to believe that both will be consumed by industry so long as it pays to do so.”