This is an example of someone who believes that correlation proves causation.
Correlation between the GPA of students who drink beer and the GPA of those who don't according to this person will cause the belief that beer is the reason why their GPA is lower than those students who don't drink beer, which doesn't make much sense.
<span>A football player sprints toward an opposing player and tackles him it is the best example of cardiovascular and strength-training exercises working together.The cardiovascular system also called the circulatory system Cardiovascular diseases are conditions that involve the blood vessels, the heart, or both.</span>
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the one of the popssible reasons for this bimodality might be because private colleges and public colleges tend to differ in amount of tuition. Since they may differ in the amount then there is no way to focus on a single aspect since it will affect only one and not the other.
The correct answer is that "<span>breastfeeding can help her lose the body fat she gained during pregnancy."
Breastfeeding as many advantages, it also includes helping the infant fight of viruses through the nutrition they attain from their mother. Babies who also experienced being breastfeed for almost 6 months without any formula may cause the baby to avoid infections or illnesses.</span>
because they are those person who can spoil ur whole life