Senate authority to appoint military officers
A foreign policy of a country is defined as the policies and strategies by which a country interacts with other foreign nation to safe guards its own national interest and try to achieve the national goal through international affairs. In this context, the Congress makes use of their diplomacy in the following cases to strengthen its foreign policy --
- The congress has the authority to sanction or allocate funds to the military department of the United States.
- The Senate is authorized to enter into different treatise with other foreign countries in its own interest.
- The Congress can urgently summon or call upon the military leaders as well as civilian leaders at times of need in the interest of the nation.
A. Gettysburg
The first is Antietam
On ascending chronologial order, this is how the events took place:
- Involvement in World War I causes hardships on Russia.
- A rebellion forces Tsar Nicholas II from Power.
- Russia pulls out of World War I.
- Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power.
service cyber commands are under the “</span>Combatant
command” of U.S. strategic command (usstratcom) and under the ”operational control” of U.S. cyber
command's (uscybercom).
U.S. Strategic Command is one of nine commands controlled by
the defense department. Its Headquarter is at Nebraska, it gives a large group
of capacities to help the other soldier commands, including cautioning; rocket defense,
control, interchanges, PCs, insight, reconnaissance etc.