Microorganisms that are involved in the nitrogen cycle are able to break the triple of elemental nitrogen using special enzymes that they have developed and make ammonium. Other organisms like plants are unable to break the triple bond and therefore rely on these microorganisms so that they can absorb the ammonia
Embryology provides evidence for evolution because during their development, many organisms look similar, suggesting that very different organisms may have a common ancestor.
C. Cholesterol
Cholesterol maintains the fluidity of the cell membrane and thereby, regulates its function.
Bile acids are derived from cholesterol which serves as their precursor. For example, Taurocholic acid is a polar derivative of cholesterol. Bile acids serve in the absorption of fatty acids, glycerol, and fat-soluble vitamins as these compounds are non-polar in nature.
Vitamin D is produced when the derivative of cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol undergoes photolysis in skin cells in presence of sunlight.