You will want to consider the author's point of view in light of the fact that she may profit from the building project.
Look at the evidence within the question information. The author has 20 years of experience in construction and owns a local construction company. So if the city or town is considering a building initiative that will cost the town millions of dollars, the author of the editorial quite possibly hopes to bid for some of that construction work. It would be very good for her business.
Now, the fact that a construction company owner favors the building initiative doesn't mean her views should be rejected simply because of her position in the construction industry. If her views are valid and provide solid arguments in favor of the project, those views should be considered on their merits. At the same time, perspectives from other local citizens should be considered too, in terms of environmental impact of the project, costs and affordability, how the building initiative will benefit residents of the community, etc.
The Declaration of Independence expresses the human rights of citizens, including life and liberty. The correct answer to the given question can be found from option "A". The Declaration of Independence was signed on 4th of July in the year 1776 and it was a document that showed that the 13 United States colonies were from then on independent and not a part of the British ruled colonies. The people of these thirteen colonies wanted to be free from the oppressions of the British rule and wanted all rights that a citizen of a free country enjoys. John Adams was one of the key figures that wanted freedom from the Britishers.
During the Middle Ages, the Church was a major part of everyday life. The Church served to give people spiritual guidance and it served as their government as well. Now, in the 20th century, the church's role has diminished. It no longer has the power that it used to have.