Answer: imply
imply means to suggest something, infer means to make an educated guess at something.
“The banker seemed to SUGGEST that I hadn’t been completely honest on my loan application”
makes a lot more sense than
“The banker seemed to guess that i hadn’t been completely honest on my loan application”
because this point of view is the one that makes you feel like you are the reader in that moment when it's happening at that time
You can usually find them in the beginning of the paragraphs. You're welcome.
The analysis of the deeper message is:
An object is personified and nature provided her the ability to become an individual.
The reasons behind this answer are that the following. First, we can observe that we have personal pronouns highligted. Second, we can also identify actions only a thinkinh ent would carry out. Third, we can observe verbs which only characters can perform, and children qualifying the object as a person and as a female mother. Therefore, we can personify the object thanks to the author.