Answer: Don’t know but I want to know.
four phenotypes appear in the ratio 9:3:3:1
<em>For a dihybrid cross in which the two genes concerned obey simple dominant/recessive law and are independently assorting, </em><em>four phenotypes are produced in the ratio 9:3:3:1. </em>
The dominant gene takes up the largest ratio (9/16) while the recessive gene takes up the smallest (1/16). Any deviation from 9:3:3:1 and the number of phenotypes produced from a dihybrid cross is an indication that the genes involved do not obey Mendelian laws.
Ok let do the formula. V=m/d=408/11.34= 35.98 v=35.98ml so ther is 35.98 ml place in a lead hope u love my answer
La hebra complementaria debe tener 5 millones de nucleótidos, porque cada nucleótido tiene una base nitrogenada, y la hebra complementaria debe tener la misma cantidad de bases nitrogenadas que la hebra original. (Recuerda que las dos hebras "encajan" una con otra).
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A specific location will experience high tide, and low tide twice per day.