In order to find the GCF of these two numbers we need to list all their factors and find the first common one so.
44: 1,2,4,11,22,44
110, 1,2,5,10,11,22,55,110
Since 22 is the highest number that both share and its common, that would be your answer. Answer: 22.
Each machine would produce 28,750 candies per day. hope it helps
I think it would be B. Hope this helps!
Answer: 7 5/12 + 8 1/24
Step-by-step explanation:
Hi, to answer this question we simply have to add both distances driven by Jayla:
Distance driven to the post office = 7 5/12 kilometers
Distance driven to the restaurant= 8 1/24 kilometers
Mathematically speaking:
7 5/12 km + 8 1/24 km
Feel free to ask for more if needed or if you did not understand something.
Step-by-step explanation:
8. 1/2 9. 50% or 1/2