Walmart: 1.20 divided by 3= 0.4
Sprouts: 1.35 divided by 5= 0.27
Sprouts has a better deal
To know if it's even based on it's prime factorization, check to see if it is a multiple of 2. If it is, it is an even number. If it is not, it is an odd number.
y = 0.008x^2 + 0.518x + 131.886
Step-by-step explanation:
- Make sure your Plot 1 is ON. Select the Scatter Plots and the appropriate lists.
- Clear all functions in [Y=]
- Input data in L1 and L2. Go to [Stat] [Enter] to input data.
- Graph data points. ...
- Choose a regression from the list in [Stat] "CALC". ...
- Go to [ZOOM] "9: ZoomSTat" to view the data with the regression curve.
(credit: CPM Educational Program)