“Macbeth” is a tragedy, so its tone is predominantly dark, elegiac and depressing. “Blood will have blood”, as Shakespeare wrote in Act III, Scene IV of the play, foreshadows the series of murders taking place, which, as a result, stir bleak and sinister feelings among the readers
First of all, the Egyptians started the dog as man's best friend. A great helper and protecter of their master. If a human has a strong relationship with a dog, the dog would sacrifice to protect them, as if a mother and child.
Moving along, dogs are a skilled worker. In many cases, dogs will retrieve things. To a shot down duck or a baby trapped. They will listen to their master for instructions and and do a certain task. Many dogs are used to herd sheep or farm animals.
patronize means treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.
Explanation: adopt an air of superiority