If you are exercising and your heart rate is unbothered, then its not effective.
Amniocentesis detects abnormality in chromosomes, genetic disorders, and neural tube defects. Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) is the most common chromosome abnormality.
Chronic dehydration and malnutrition can drastically affect other vital organs, including the heart, liver, and kidneys. In fact, many individuals who struggle with anorexia may present with heart failure or cardiovascular complications; however, anorexia is usually the underlying cause.
Other physical side effects include bone and muscle loss, which results when the body is not receiving adequate nutrition to sustain the body. Many individuals who struggle with anorexia have some form of osteopenia or osteoporosis, creating an increased risk of breaks and fractures.
Yet other long-term effects for women include loss of normal menstruation, difficulties conceiving, infertility and more. A woman with anorexia may struggle for a prolonged period of time with getting pregnant and seek out infertility treatments without addressing the underlying cause of the eating disorder.
Yes, DNA is present in all living and once living cells.