A - accusations, exonerate.
Imputation is an accusation, and exculpate means to show or declare that someone is not guilty of wrong doing, which is basically the definition of exonerate.
At the party, people put paper plates and cups into the wrong recycling bin
1) Caesar's death is for the good of all. He has the potential to become dangerous and abuse his power. He tend to rule with his emotions rather than reason and it is thought that he will turn his back and forget the common people who elected him.
2) C<span>assius suggested the murder of Marc Antony. Brutus opposed it because Antony is not a threat and if they kill him it will look like they are very violent and motivated by jealousy.
3) Portia demanded to know what is going on. She wanted to know the secrets that Brutus is keeping that involves Caesar. She wanted to know the real reason why Brutus seem agitated and unsettled.
4) Calphurnia begged Caesar not to the Senate House because of her dreams that predicted his death. Decius, on the otherhand, appealed to Caesar's vanity and urged him to go to the Senate and not subject himself to the fickle dreams of Calphurnia.</span>
Answer: i would rather be respected because it builds trust, honest, feelings & etc