Who is a middle child that is smart ,good at a certain talent (my talent is singing) and gets least attention from your parents
and receive the most attention when you do something slightly wrong or its your birthday ? Also if you are a middle child does anyone feel like we all ways have fake friends or friends we all ways date but have toxic relationships with. whoever has a good answer i will mark brainliest
im the middle of six kids three older brothers and two little brothers and one little sister. im not sure its a talent but i can sing draw game and i can edit videos and i plan on being a lawyer. i get all the attention tbh i dont like with any of my siblings. yaa. yesh uwu, and yea people are just rude and fake bc they dont care smh. ive had a relationship with someone way older then me and he didnt rlly are abt me he broke up with me bc my friends hurt his feelings m friend is like twelve and he is 16 . then a month or so later he wanted to get back together we did he broke up with me again and i sat thre crynig bc he didnt like me, he called me the simp and stuff. etc one of my relations ships ended so i could be with him it last 2days and i found someone who truly likes me but i dont want to fully commit bc im scared he will hurt me
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srry for all the typos btw im shaking. ello btw uwu