solid : a hard stern shape that cannot be drunk like a watery substance
Liquid : a watery substance
gas : a vapor like substance that travels through the air
This sticking together of like substances is called cohesion. Depending on how attracted molecules of the same substance are to one another, the substance will be more or less cohesive. Hydrogen bonds cause water to be exceptionally attracted to each other. Therefore, water is very cohesive.
Stay safe,
B) a signal-recognition particle that brings ribosomes to a receptor protein in the ER membrane.
Each synthesized protein has to be targeted to the specific location and transported to that location. There are two possible ways for that transport: post-translational transport or co-translational transport.
• Co-translational transport occurs during the process of translation, and proteins transported this way are proteins bound for organelles in the endomembrane system (such as the ER, Golgi apparatus, and lysosome), plasma membrane proteins or proteins for the exterior of the cell. They have an amino sequence called a signal peptide which sends them to ER first.
• Proteins that do not have a signal peptide stay in the cytosol so, their transport is after the translation (post-translational).