Buddha denounced the caste system and taught that a person's actions are the measure of who a person is, whether a priest or outcast. He denounced the authority of Brahmin priests, their scripture and their rituals. He welcomed outcasts and some of the greatest tantric adepts were from the lowest caste (buddhanet.net).
Because a science-based understanding of our universe is, more than other (myth-based or religious-base) understandings, capable of delivering (1) measuring instruments by means of which we can test our hypotheses regarding the structure of the universe and (2) a scientific language that is as much as possible free from ambiguity and vagueness.
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The <u>ordinal data</u> is type of data is also called ranked data and expresses the comparative evaluation of various characteristics or entities, and relative assignment of each, to a class according to a set of criteria.
A categorical, quantitative category of data where there are normal, organized categories of variables and the ranges between the categories are not established is understood as an ordinal data. These information occurs on an ordinal dimension, one of the 4 calculation rates defined in 1946 by S. S. Stevens. An illustration of ordinal data is a satisfaction score on a range of 1-10. There is no uniform significance for the disparity between one score and the next in level results.