There is no graph. you need to attach a picture, you can’t get your questions answered like that
Il existe de nombreux exemples de portfolios d’artistes en ligne. Trouvez-en un et partagez un lien vers celui-ci. En vous basant sur le portfolio, écrivez quelques phrases évaluant l'artiste. S'il y a les réponses d'autres élèves sur le forum de discussion, examinez-les et voyez si vous êtes d'accord ou pas d'accord avec leur opinion sur le travail des artistes.
The answer is D I’m pretty sure!? Hopefully you got it right!!!!!!!
The first thing you would do is add all the numbers to get the total budget : $1500
Next you would calculate the present to get : 24.2% or just 24% if your rounding
Answer: 1/2, 1/2, 1/4
Step-by-step explanation:
To find the fraction that the hour hand turns of a clockwise revolution, we have to find how long it is going then divide by 12
Ex. a) 11 - 5 = 6, 6/12 = 1/2 so the hour hand turns by 1/2 of a clockwise revolution
b) 8 - 2 = 6, 6/12 = 1/2 so the hour hand turns by 1/2 of a clockwise revolution
c) For this, we have to convert 1 into 13 as 1 - 10 is a negative number
13 - 10 = 3, 3/12 = 1/4 so the hour hand turns by 1/4 of a clockwise revolution